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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 22, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>>we're waking up with us and our and i'm james fletcher let's get whether traffic updates before we get to the headlines that's how we like to start every hour and robin effort, how the roads no hot spots, but we are recovering from accidents all check 6 80 and the minutes ok, let's take a look at the big headline this week if you have to pick a worse in the week for whether it be >>let's get this a of us of plenty of sunshine, warm temperatures yeah, it's going to be a really great week looking outside the golden gate bridge out called that view amazing very nice and clear this morning we are
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going to be looking at clear skies all the way through the day for mourning on through the afternoon you can expect continued sunshine now temperatures are really going to rise were 40's 50's right now. >>by noon will already be close to the 80 degree mark for some of our inland spots with temperatures surpassing that mark into the afternoon talking more about even warmer temperatures still ahead. around the corner. >>robin all right. thank you john want to check in on traffic now which is pretty busy out there starting with the bay bridge here it is 80 west your approach to the tall plaza, already stacked up be on 8.80 be on west grand stretching to the bottom of so pretty slow drive in that this is normal and 18 minutes to fremont street. i want to take you to the nimitz because this is where we had a hot spot out in hayward that tennis and that's gone, but look at that chan from to 38 into union city in fremont now at almost 40 minutes out to to 37 and we had an accident south 6.80 before treat and won a creek.
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that's gone, but it's very crowded from to 42 so we'll put it at 17 minutes from highway 4 out to dan deal will check more coming up starting a chase. and breaking news this morning bombs target christians on easter sunday and there was another blast early this morning there was it's happening all in sri lanka so far 290 people have been killed. >>including 2 americans and we just learned the identity of one of those americans. we're told he is dieter kowalski from colorado john lawrence has the latest. >>terror in sri with coordinated bombings encourages and high and hotels i strongly condemn these attacks that targeted religious sites and looked really hotels all of must uphold the law of the land the minority christian community in sri lanka appears to be the main target of the attacks and trust to the lord all who so tragically died. >>if you people that i pray for the wounded. he was too and all those who suffer
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because of this traumatic event prior to the easter sunday violence, a warning was issued a memo dated april 11th signed by sri lanka's deputy inspector general of police warning intelligence officers about a possible attack. >>police are aggressively not unfamiliar story in the aftermath of terrorist incidents with uh has been pieces of information basis of intelligence that haven't necessarily been seeks to go the way that he did today. >>a police source tells cnn the memo included a request for more security of food bill the association investigation into to what happened there was no this attack a decade of relative peace for the country after its 25 year civil war ended in 2009 president trump offering condolences in a tweet saying we stand ready to help. i'm john lawrence reporting. >>back here in the bay area police are taking a 0 tolerance approach now to sideshows yesterday dozens of officers, a company by air support took to the streets to show that the destructive acts of sideshows will not be tolerated. here's the video of
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past sideshows captain randy winn gates says that east oakland has become ground 0 for these sorts of activities, he says are also getting more violent to look at this video. this was last sunday with more than a 1000 people descend on the intersection of 42th and international boulevard. the video shows the havoc that broke out as an ac transit bus and a big rig were set on fire. >>the gunshots are extremely dangerous obviously several the of several dozen rounds of gunshots were fired and the 100 block the 1000 block of a foot hill. the macarthur last weekend that's extremely dangerous. >>officers say they're working right now with other agencies to come up with solutions to the problem right now they say that focuses on prevention with force. in pacifica to hang glider died after crashing into the pacific ocean near devil's slide. here's photos of the rescue crews. trying it first to rescue the person but ended up simply recovering his body. the sheriff's office says the 45 year-old hang glider took
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off from fort funstival went down in the water he was pronounced dead at the scene. the sheriff's office hasn't yet released that person's identity. >>new this morning, one person is in the hospital after being stabbed in oakland on 4th street near 8.80 police found the man stabbed several times and they took him to the hospital. no suspect is in custody. happening today, the city of oakland introduces a new pilot program took her illegal dumping and you can see how bad the problem is this program is going to include more trash removal all around the east part of oakland at 9 30 this morning alameda county supervisor, nate miley and community volunteers are going to start cleaning up around 98th avenue and g street and then and when saturday comes volunteers are going to reach out to residents to teach them. how to report illegal dumping. >>happening today airport workers will be gathering outside of all 3 major bay
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area airports. they want to draw attention to southwest decision now to switch to nonunion contractors for some of its workers and that could impact. >>they say passenger safety car force will tran is live at sfo with that s. >>not just the 3 bay area airports talking 10 of the biggest airports in california as should start in about 90 minutes are now so don't be surprised if a southwest employee comes up to you and tells you their side of their story if you're taking off this morning don't worry about it this will not disrupt your flight coming or going. you can see the ticket agents behind me we're talking about behind the scenes people i people who come into the aircraft to clean it. a janitorial service security staff, the people who push people around on our in sand in the wheelchair is those are the people who are essential employees that we don't see but their jobs are very important. they're very upset with southwest airlines claiming that its steady using them most of the time they
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have switched to nonunion employees they say has the public's a health in jeopardy because they don't know what they're doing or trained or simply have the experience to do that. and that's why southwest airlines is in another battle with another union. last month james and area there were enough battle with their mechanics union and actually had to sue the mechanics union claiming that actually ics a a trying to slow down service by taking up so much as 60 planes off line every day. so that has been resolved but another problem involving southwest airlines. we will talk to the protesters coming up at 8.30 as well as some of the passengers. you take it for granted the things that are done including you know cleaning the bathrooms inside the planes and whether or not it's doing a good job or not we'll get reaction from the passengers perspective. all right, thks >>happening now police are looking for a car that was
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caught on camera following a girl in vacaville and we have the surveillance video to show you check out in the top left corner you're going to see a little girl, she's going to stop a look at that hiding behind that blue pickup and there's the car. it's a great car to stop the middle of the street once that notice that the girl was walking on the sidewalk anymore. the girl stays hidden and you can see that car tribes off and she stays there not moving and lo and behold the car comes back there it is again driving past that hiding girl. it stops as you can see in the top left corner slows down and that's when the girl decides. she can't wait any longer and so she makes a run for you're going to see her start to take off here in a minute is she's peering around the front and there's a car backing up look for. what a scary situation. eventually she heads off and makes a run for her house now this happened in the area of you let us drive and leisure town road. and there she is making a run for it. police say they donn know what that drivers intention was but they're using this video as a
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way to remind children and parents be extra careful when your kids are out there walking to and from school. she is look as using her phone too shy of and texting. >>like to say something calling unlike not right there when he she first started walking, was this talk to your kids about what to do if they feel like they're being followed. it's 7 oh 9 into kayak. rescue their boat capsized near the richmond san rafael bridge. >>and they were floating in the water saturday night for about 2 hours. before this says chp helicopter spotted them and was able to get things rolling a 21 year-old man drifted about 3 miles north towards timber on and the battalion chief says their decision to wear life jackets was the smartest thing they could have done. >>stand up paddleboarding and apparently calm waters are doing kayaking men in an area that seems call we have a lot of times that the weather. >>or the conditions can change very quickly on the day is a whole different world if you have a life jacket on versus
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if you don't. >>because that wouldlde 2 hours of treading water, you know without a life jacket old water, yeah and then there you can see the they were pulled aboard a boat and safe. >>we'll take a break time now 7 oh 9 still ahead on the cross for morning news, a warning about possible measles exposure at a california airport we'll tell you what you need to know. plus the quick action of some parishioners after a woman threatened to church while holding a gun and a baby will have the full story. >>and we are seeing clear skies yet again today temperatures will they're about to be even warmer than they were this past weekend. your forecast to stick out. >>and i'm tracking that very busy commute around the bay area are looking at the richmond center fell bridge approach west 5.80 crawling for ♪
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ws only the best will do. so we carry pro trusted purdy brushes and rollers. and everything else you need. so you can get in, get out and get it done.
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>>a lot of sunshine today lentini of it i like this weekend's i think a lot of us
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might even like the week even yeah, i know robin well she's been talk about how she likes the warm weather. that's exacwly what it's going to be clear skies across the bay starting in san francisco where there's not a cloud in the sky. south a look and just as clear your view of san jose right here and your view over the east bay berkeley and oakland also nice and just as clear son had a lot of variation as far as that goes satellite radar isn't showing anything besides those clear skies. this morning. this is the way it's going to stay today tomorrow on through the day on wednesday and eventually into thursday now during this time temperatures are going to boost as this ridge of high pressure builds back in future cast is showing just how clear and dry conditions are going to stay and we're going to look at temperatures today in the 70's for most areas 80's for some even more 80's for the week ahead of us as i mentioned a lot of 70's out there today financial district and mission district of san francisco. well into the 70's has also obl granada and half moon bay
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burlingame into the mid 70's at 74 while numbers closer to 80 degrees over in redwood city and mountain each of 78 today, south bay looking at numbers just shy of the 80 degree mark los gatos in morgan hill at 79 san jose eventually up to 78 now we start those 80's over in the tri valley, dublin pleasanton in livermore each in the low 80's as also will be danville and walnut creek at 82 degrees. each oakland and berkeley holding on to a comfortable range of mid 70's. well the north a solidly 80's napa sonoma youngsville fairfield in vacaville among those spots all in the mid-eighties if you need an escape from the toasty temperatures up north stinson beach in point raises the place to go as you will be looking at some 60's out along the coast. now tuesday wednesday and thursday easily the warmest days of your forecast some of the warmest days the year so far notice all the sunshine during the same days before cloud cover increases friday into saturday
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and temperatures decrease closer to seasonal averages back into the 70's. that's a look at your forecast robin weather's. nice. but is traffic is nice i'll say not so bad it's getting a little crowded out there but that i don't have any major issues to report for those of you taking want to one right now. >>we're taking a peek at the traffic leaving the north bay out of the bottle 37, you see it's a little crowded into center field but not bad, so that's your approach and then this is the bridge itself which looks great right wide open across the golden gate at 28 minutes, nevada to the toll plaza so right on time the bay bridge traffic note does not look like the golden gate, this is pack to goes back to the bottom of the maze at least it's under 20 minutes, so we consider this a pretty good drive. it's quiet. we've had minor accidents but they're out of the way you just left with typical crowd here at the toll plaza, here's a peek at some more numbers we're checking out the east shore it's under 30 minutes from crockett to oakland, 24 is fine 5.80 west and the nimitz both looking pretty good from to 38 out of the san
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leandro castor valley area fine continuing all the way into downtown oakland toward 9.80 for both freeway is looking to get back to you. thanks a lot rob and 7.16 and happening now the california highway patrol is investigating a hit or on that happened in santa rosa injuring a pedestrian. >>this was on older redwood highway south of shiloh road on saturday night. a woman was said in that area when she was struck. she has major injuries but we don't know her condition this morning in the driver left. the face charges for threatening a church on easter sunday, while she was holding a baby she walked into the nondenominational church. around noon. she had a gun and a 10 month old baby. the 31 year-old woman walked onto the stage in the church and threatened to blow up the place church members quickly intervene. >>some of the congregation
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members. rush to female before the child away from her and held her until the police officers could arrive. >>nobody was hurt police took her into custody and it turns out the gun was not loaded. but police did fan and police didn't find any explosives. but we don't know what kind of charges she may face because she had the baby of she has a baby she also has a 5 year-old daughter. so right now they are in the care of child protective services and they're fine. >>your health this morning, another person infected with measles has apparently traveled through the los angeles international airport. according to health officials the patient travel through parts of the airport on april 3rd, they say passengers who shared flights with this infected person may have there have been notified, but they are concerned the travelers who are at l a x on that day may have also been exposed to the disease. >>it worries me that means
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popping up around the world a disease that we. most eradicated from our population we forget the events of that sunday it's a sad day when it's going to impact all of >>as is the 3rd time in 2 months that l e x has had to warn people about possible measles exposure. for your money this morning, amazon and disney maybe working on offering nfl football and chrysler is recalling a popular compact car. we have by the rebel live at the nasdaq with these stories and more money body. >>good morning james. well, yes, the a chrysler is recalling more than 300,000 vehicles in north america because of a transmission problem that could cause them to roll away unexpectedly the recall covers dodge dart compact cars from 2013 through 2016 with 6 speed automatic transmissions. and as you mentioned amazon and dizzy may stream nfl games soon yahoo sports reports that amazon already streams thursday night football and of course disney would surely love to do see
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offerings of its in house streaming service, espn plus atnt may recall abruptly dropped nfl network from universe and directv now this week. prices at the pump are higher and drivers should not expect any relief any time soon according to the lundberg survey, the average price for a gallon of gas went up. 2 went up by 12 0.6 9 says got that a gallon in the past 2 weeks, the prices are up more than $0.60 though since january 11th triple a says the current average in the san francisco area is oh my god, this guy's $4.11 a gallon, which is the most expensive in 5 years live from the nasdaq, i'm bob help pack. >>now we're sitting there. yeah. and in new york city very much body, crazy day. 71 right now. the problem morning news, what democrats on capitol hill are planning to do today. >>following the release of the redacted mueller report. for a
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woman caught on camera dumb thing poppies into this dumpster. and a live look here at the traffic looks like it's pretty heavy there in the ♪ stand up to chronic migraine with botox®. what if you had fewer headaches and migraines a month? botox® prevents headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month,
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getting back to work with some really inviting conditions to be doing so this morning is cool but look at how clear and nice it is out there now as you are stepping outside today and for the rest of the week, a gun owners palm levels continuously high knowhis is something we've dealt with for a couple of weeks now. but the spring season continues and it does so it. she knows is i'm a little bit of sneeze and i'm sure for a lot of us robin oh yeah we want to head over to the bay bridge to check back in on 80. it's usually our busiest bridge. >>during the morning drive and that's exactly what's happening now the back of searches through the oakland may so it's pretty packed for all of you cash payers fast trackers except for the
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carpoolers i guess those lanes look great but everybody else definitely stocks over and 20 minutes for your average to fremont street and then the rest of these trying times and coming out of the east bay, the freeways look good right 6.80 24 the east shore freeway picking up a little bit but not bad. we'll check more freeways and slow downs coming up james robin thank you. >>he's in coachella are looking for this woman who was caught on camera throwing puppies into a dumpster you see her leaving her jeep there behind an auto parts store looking at one dumpster and then tossing that bag into another one. it was later discovered that plastic bag contained 7 newborn puppies there they are it was a passer by who actually found them and an employee of the auto parts store the contacted animal services. now the dogs are going to be okay they're in the care of the rescue group right now police in riverside county saying prosecutors say they plan on charging that woman with animal cruelty if they ever find her. >>gas prices are on the rise
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across the bay area coming up in a live report will tell you which to simone, i leave the van gogh. to harrison, the wine collection. to craig, this rock. the redwoods to the redheads. the rainbows to the proud. i leave these things to my heirs, all 39 million of you, on one condition. that you do everything in your power to preserve and protect them. with love, california. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, jason wu could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while putting on a runway show for new york fashion week. ♪ ♪
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>>and traffic on a monday morning and uh well things were bad and then they got good not really quickly that all good its freeway but you know it's it's picking up continuously. so we'll check back in on the bridges kind and it looks like good weather is going to be the theme for the week like think it was going to be some >>could feel that. spilled into this weekend. clear skies overhead means a lot of sunshine for those flowers are blooming for you to enjoy as you're stepping outside mount diablo looks nice and clear this morning blue skies, this something you're going to get used to in this forecast. >>i think will be just all right under those skies though clear skies across the bay area for your morning and as the sun continues to rise so the temperatures but we're still in the 40's for a lot of areas like redwood city of 46
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free my hayward in berkeley each of 49 conquered oak lawn in fairfield in the 50's right now though and a couple of spots in the 60's mixed in there too so range of chile to mild conditions to kick off this morning later on today temperatures are going to be so mild that all in fact we're back into the 80's now from low 70's up the coast to some low 80's for inland areas. and this isn't even the warmest day of your week, i'm talking even warmer temperatures in the days to come still ahead robin all right back to the bridges which are very very slow right in the thick of the morning commute starting off of 92 right. >>so here's your commute across the cemetery over it's not a lot of room vehicles here heading west on 92, it is packed right now making it over to the finance laws. so we'll put it at 26 minutes for your average to one on one which is decent 80 west already stacked up just about to the bottom of the oakland may's we've got a few crashes here and there nothing crazy. so right now are in 20 minutes to fremont street and hot spot free to the richmond center field bridge. but a heavy back
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up as well it's crawling from arena. 2 minute span you're averaging 21 minutes, we'll talk more coming up james target. >>thank you robin, so for your money this morning gas prices as that we know are always high here in the bay area but they're getting to the point now, or you may have to start changing how you do things and how you drive around depends where your bar. >>starts to be over 4 bucks a gallon and for that and why like you. it does cover serious chance. it is live. well the creek to see just what the damage is today. >>well the average is actually the highest in the nation right here in the bay area at the pump it's really hurting our wallets right now. a new survey shows that the san francisco bay area has the highest prices it's actually surged $0.13 just in the last 2 weeks putting us above the national average which is $2.91. >>but here in the bay area. >>well we're way well well
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over that were in the $4 range industry analysts say one of the reasons for the spike is an increase in crude oil costs but take a look at your screen i can see the ad average key word average key word being regular gas the absolute worst average price is the country is in san francisco. we're seeing regular gas costing $4.10 per gallon. then in san jose a $4.5 in oakland $4.3 but in reality you be lucky to find that price because i've been driving around all morning going to different gas stations and the ad urges $4.10 to $4.20 they go up to $4.30 it's brutal out there and then if you don't have regular you feel up to the supreme level low you're definitely looking at closer to holes. >>$5 so it it's brutal out there so maybe it's time to think another way to get to wo. take maybe muni are
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something else because a lot of people have talked to this morning. they're saying i can't afford this, but you have to get to work somehow so we'll have to continue to monitor these gas prices for now live in waller creek sarah stinson 4 news get tougher tougher, thank you very much sara 7 33 is the time. >>and the south bay amanda and after being shot near a high school in san jose he was found in the 300 block. blossom hill road yesterday morning which is close to oak grove high school. police do not have a motive or a suspect at this point. >>the cisco response to a burglary led to police firing shots at one officer, or and one officer getting injured, so this is what happens early sunday morning at one tower place 3 people are currently trying to break into a secured storage space and a multi-story garage and when police got to the scene the burglars got up got into a pickup truck rammed into police cars hitting one of those officers and that is when police opened fire at the driver. now all 3 men were
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arrested and as for the injured officer that person was taken to the local hospital word. he was treated for his injuries and released. the officers involved in the shooting have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. now to the east bay were police cars, the arrested the 2 men who they say robbed a store and then led police on a chase in a stolen van and we have pictures from the police department's facebook page showing that what they tried to get away with in the shoplifting of an auto parts store it was in downtown concord saturday afternoon. that's when police spotted the stolen van it was on highway 2.42. eventually the suspects ditch that van and tried making a break for it running into a neighborhood, but as you can see these pictures police chase them down and placed them under arrest 7 34 new this morning police are looking for a man who tried to steal from a business in concord. >>it was on saturday that a man took out a knife at round table pizza on a valley road. he demanded money from an employee and he ran away when the employee confronted him,
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and he ended up getting away but nobody was hurt. >>happening today democratic leaders will talk about how to move forward following the release of the redacted mueller report including the possibility of impeachment abby phillip has the latest. >>house speaker nancy pelosi scheduling a conference call that the democratic caucus today insisting that congress will not be silent after the justice department released a redacted version of special counsel's report. last week house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff says the caucus will waive the option of pursuing president trump's impeachment over the coming weeks, i think what we're going to have to decide is a caucus is what is the best thing for the country is that the best thing for the country to take up an impeachment proceedings or is it in the best interest of the country. >>not to take up an impeachment that we know will not be successful in the senate because the republican leadership will not do its duty. >>house judiciary chairman jerry nadler who leads the committee were impeachment
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would start saying he wants to hear mueller testified first if proven some of these would be impeachable yes. >>all right direction of justice if proven would be impeachable. >>mueller outlined at least 10 episodes that he investigated where the president attempted to thwart his probe. democrats have been divided on the issue was not clear pelosi and house majority leader steny hoyer urging caution as a handful of the caucus is more progressive members and 2 2020 candidates call for impeachment proceedings to began this isn't about politics. it's about what a president of the united states should be able to do and what the role of congress is in saying no president does not get to come in. >>and stop an investigation about a foreign power. that attack this country. >>president trump responding asking how do you impeach a republican president for a crime that was committed by democrats.
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>>members of the administration continue to insist that the mueller report completely. x exasperate are should say exonerates the president. coming up on the cross for morning news at 8 o'clock world series champion barry zito will be here in studio to talk about an earth day an initiative that he's back and we'll have more on that coming up in a bit. >>and today expect more sunshine and even warmer temperatures than you had for the weekend and even warmer couple of days ahead of us your forecast account and i hope you're up and alert and ready for traffic because you don't have to sit in a lot of it up the bay bridge toll plaza, it's crawling right now from the bottom of the oakland amaze without a
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sun care is self care. i used to not love wearing an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy. but with olay regenerist whip spf 25, it's so lightweight. i love it. i'm busy philipps, and i'm fearless to face anything. when a nasty cold won't let you sleep, try nyquil severe with vicks vapocool whoa! and vaporize it.
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ahhhhh! shhhhh! nyquil severe with vicks vapocool. the vaporizing nighttime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
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>>this monday morning maybe got family heading back into town after easter holiday this past weekend. what you've got to expect is some easy fight time so no delays out there if you're traveling back from the holiday this morning as for
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work or fog conditions you are seeing fog or ride out there along the coast, but elsewhere a very crystal clear start to the day so no big worries in that department. now as you drop the kids off at the bus stop getting back to things this morning do expect temperatures to be chilly. so do bundle up for your morning hours. most of us are in the 50's a president with some 70's and 80's later into the afternoon. rob. >>all right a lot of heavy traffic to deal with this morning to leave as early as you can i'm not tracking any major hot spots but definitely a big backup at the bay bridge toll plaza spilling to the bottom of the maze. so too late to beat the thick of it slowing it's already there but will put it at 20 minutes off to fremont street. if you take to 37 heads-up for a crash west down at lawrence expressway that has traffic wrong falling from 8.80 out of milpitas so be prepared for that and then the dumb barton looks pretty normal at 22 minutes to the peninsula daryn back to you thank you robin, some 41 coming up on the ground war morning buzz step was called all of that is splash brother got. after
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taking a swim in the ocean see how clay set the pace and the fashion trend. the sharks escape sudden death in vegas now they have to survive one more at the tank to move on.
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>>get ready talk fashion just a moment just a little tease for james is going to teach us a thing or 2. let's take a look at the i'm all trying to get to the really nice out there today, definitely i get the shorts back out for this one or rather the next few days too. >>this week is looking great the lick observatory nice and clear not a cloud in the sky up there that's the same thing satellite and radar showing some for the job live right there in the middle of the screen which don't mind that it is nice and clear we are seeing skies, staying this way too through the course of the forecast today tomorrow
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wednesday on into thursday, we are staying clear and temperatures during this time only getting warmer before a cooldown into the weekend in an increasing cloud cover taking things a little closer to normal today, temperatures boosting even as compared to yesterday golden gate park just under the 70 degree mark with financial district, a mission district just about that's a mark daly city 67 el granada and half moon bay right at 70 today brisbane hanging on to the upper 60's with burlingame up to 74 foster city one degree above that at 75. redwood city at 78 today, south bay just below 80 degrees for most of the south bay with temperatures tomorrow expected to be above 80 degrees back to the 80's today for double in pleasanton and livermore as well as up through san ramon danville walnut creek in concord oakland today, mid 70's and very nice 80's solidly for most of the north bay vacaville sonoma and napa just a few of the spots not just in the 80's. but mid-eighties
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they've even escape from the heat will stinson beach in point raise comfortably cool in the 60's, plenty of sunshine today tomorrow wednesday into thursday after that we see some cooler temperatures as a cold front swings through also boosting cloud cover come friday and saturday. robin we want to check back in on the 7 tail bridge because it is pack so if you're about to use it it's going to be a slow drive here. >>leaving hayward working your way over to the peninsula just creeping along and some of the folks who are stuck on that minutes as well because that was a slow commute rolling south so we'll put it at 24 minutes to make it off to san mateo hot spot free up the bay bridge to drive into san francisco will be smooth for the carpoolers only everybody else sitting in traffic which is spent slow often on from the bottom of the maze for this is normal if you take it every day you know that that's nothing to worry about 21 minutes is your average to fremont street, here's a look at traffic tracker and some more drive times in their normal and decent as well specially for the east shore freeway 32 minutes now from
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crockett to oakland. if you take 2419 minutes, not bad wannacry to the maze. the goal put an end to a grueling double overtime game 6. in vegas. tomas said no. actually he didn't say that because that spanish, but i don't know how to say no more in czechoslovakia and now the sharks world. >>plus last night's win was not easy did old after this entire series against the golden knights after being down 3 one the sharks and stare death in the face. twice in a row now and survive 5 in large part because the guys keep sacrificing their teeth. for coles. but he had to take it on the chin and this one. goalie martin jones though did
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have to stand on his head he stopped 88 of 91 shot. a crazy game tied at one and and the sharks win it. 2 to one the pot. i was wanted to do that puck drops at 7 o'clock tomorrow night at the tank klay thompson is obviously not afraid of sharks, the real ones, i mean the splash brother went into the ocean writing a little warm wave of the playoffs. >>and came. after scoring only 42 points combined in the first 3 games against the clippers. just one point shy of kevin duran and those who really did need to step it up because steph curry did not have his best night just 12 points for him but worriers win game 4. one 13 to one oh 5 clay says he must have been right the way he got from his sudden decision to take a swim on saturday. >>that whole jonas yesterday was a beach person volleyball michael musto jump the ocean i just know though reset my mind
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it a jump of north because it's freezing put. some of the contemplated she the ball that the year but a thing that has happened. >>we the top. i think that look is back to divest and that he sure thing. mean i did not lose the time but that was me those everybody back in 92 member jason priestley 9 oh 2, 1, o plus all the girls. >>where that look. brad pitts red makes an evening will cool. >>everybody wears a hat. >>you're gonna believe us. i was cleaning out my closet and in my car. tags to donate a vest so why does everything comes in like the day after i donated, i'm not kidding you yet this was a good this is a good look this is no new she had bags of clothes. i just feel that the baby out of my shot in her jake is this and it it must get don't get rid of them clearly they're back well they are back they they
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are back you know what else is back. but packs in a big way. i was also an is like ever got rid of my all right so i mean i may do that. but i'm just. >>i'm not be for you make fun of best. >>other the back you this is a real show and tell you know i was know why i was doing laundry over the weekend. you know you youuknow i was doing all i was doing laundry so i can donate well. we share a little something i thought i was going to die. why well let me show you what i found on it well in this was an. so score late show i look at it and i say it looks so fake that i need to take these tongs and push on it a little bit just to see like is it robert and sure enough. it was wheel scorpion. clothing when we do with scorpions well. with my
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sister on the phone talking and i said i'm taking the staar exam put this baby a baggy and taken as go to a birthday and 5 minutes to get out of the house so i stuck it look. here's with a quarter this is for you was that. what do you mean wants that schoolroom. in california won't kill you. but that doesn't make it interesting and off for years it huge. >>now again scorpion problems uh oh wow okay. note to self we're never going to doris house. ok. that looks so much bigger.
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>>today's box office report brought to you by the new luxury lounges at century san francisco center.
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>>you want to bet grown and you woke up little little took a big jump back dropping from second place down to 5th on ticket sales of 8 and a half million dollars, captain marvel found new wings as the superpower heroin soared back up from 6th place to 4th with 9.1 million bringing brie larson's marvel debut to over million at the domestic box office. >>i know that you don't know that might do and is a fighter and he doesn't get that faith based film breakthroughs didn't have a breakthrough weekend opening with million. well below pundits predictions. the most recent king of the box office felt a second as shoes and made million. >>bringing its domestic total passed the million mark. the new queen of the box office is the curse of law your the latest entry in the conjuring cinematic universe vowed
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million 6 and a half million higher than industry projections in hollywood, i'm rick light. >>the up in the next hour, the crowd for morning news details on new efforts now to crack down on sideshows in oakland. and bombings target, christians on easter sunday killing at least 290 people including 2 americans
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>>was that like everything's normal west right down scorpion it showing tell you just saw i'll send it over here. you can look at age of 11 came traffic to talk about not so much though i mean that the husband scott rising faster than a


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